Monday, April 23, 2012


On Jan. 23rd the class discussed flyting or the exchange of insults. This can often be seen during rap battles. Many of us have probably participated in flyting without realizing it. We were told to describe one of these situations which can be seen during wars with siblings.
I have one sibling, an older brother named Kevin. He is 6 years older than me so the only time we really fought was when I was maybe 5-7 making him 11-13. Before that I was too young and after that he was too old. Of course at that age my vocabulary was very limited and usually the only insults that I threw at him were very childish, consisting mostly of meany and butthead. The names that I remember mostly from him were spoiled brat and baby. Me being the younger by quite a bit meant I usually got away with more. Although our time of flyting was limited, we still get in our share of disagreements. But anymore I learn to keep my mouth shut and walk away because he has a way of twisting words making it impossible to reason with.

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