Thursday, February 16, 2012

My 51 Things

For my 51 things I chose to do banned books that I have not read yet. For my memory palace I knew I needed a large loci so I chose to use the SUB. Here is the list:
1. Black Boy
2. Burger's Daughter
3. Doctor Zhivago
4. The Grapes of Wrath
5. I Am the Cheese
6. Mein Kampf
7. 1984
8. Novel Without a Name
9. Paradise of the Blind
10. Slaughterhouse 5
11. Uncle Tom's Cabin
12. The Bible
13. Children of the Alley
14. The Koran
15. The Last Temptation of Christ
16. Oliver Twist
17. The Satanic Verses
18. An American Tragedy
19. The Arabian Nights
20. The Art of Love
21. The Bluest Eye
22. Candide
23. The Kama Sutra
24. Lady Chatterley's Lover
25. Lolita
26. Madame Bovary
27. Moll Flanders
28. Pamela
29. Peyton Place
30. Sanctuary
31. Snow Falling on Cedars
32. Sophie's Choice
33. Tropic of Cancer
34. Ulysses
35. Black LikeMe
36. Brave New World
37. The Canterbury Tales
38. Catch 22
39. The Cather in the Rye
40. A Clockwork Orange
41. Cujo
42. Fahrenheit 451
43. Fallen Angels
44. Final Exit
45. Go Ask Alice
46. Last Exit to Brooklyn
47. Leaves of Grass
48. Manchild in the Promised Land
49. Naked Lunch
50. One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
51. The Scarlet Letter

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