Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Musey Room

My Musey Room I compared to a slot machine. The outside was a box representing a persons head. The front of the box had a face which opened up to reveal the memory. The memory was 3 wheels each wheel containing five sides. Each side has a color also so that the colors can match up. Most of them were a person, place, and action. They were as follows:

My BF Jess, we met at my home town of Winifred, and he was playing guitar
My friend Jenny, we met at the fitness center, we were doing pink gloves boxing
My friend Mariah, we met by the bobcat grill, I met her through Jenny
My friend Kelsey, we met at the Madison river, we were going floating
Prof. Sexson, we met in Wilson hall in 2006, he was teaching mythology

This machine can be an example of how the memory works. Often times I will see someone I recognize but can't get their name so I start thinking about where I might have seen them and what I was doing. Their could be many more wheels however consisting of anything from names, dates, attributes to an infinite amount of characteristics. There can also be an infinite amount of sides on each wheel.

This machine can also be used as a memory technique. For example I could place Grace's 5 things like this:

The rock, the river, skipping rocks (blue for water)
The bunny, a stuffed rabbit, I've had since I was a baby (yellow for my blanket because my blanket and rabbit came everywhere with me)
A pen, green gel pen, was my favorite in Jr. High (green for color of pen)
A seashell, a giant shell, I found at the beach in Oregon (Orange for the color of the shell)
The Moon, poster that I made of the moon phases, in Mr. Lee's class in grade school (White for the light off the moon)

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